quinta-feira, 5 de abril de 2012

Modern Warfare 3 gets new game mode: All or Nothing

"All or Nothing" é o novo modo no MW3.

Modern Warfare 3 gets new game mode: All or Nothing: Modern Warfare 3 gets new game mode: All or Nothing

Modern Warfare 3's Community Playlist got a little bigger in the game's latest update. A handful of new modes and variations have made their way to the game, for those that might be getting tired of the traditional ones. The Community Playlist received Two Gun Game Variations, one which uses an 18 gun round, and another which goes through three waves of 6 standard weapons (with no snipers).

The new mode, "All or Nothing" starts players with a .45 handgun, no ammo, and the throwing knife. As you get kills you'll pick up munitions to keep your pistol loaded. If you die, you start back from square one. Think of it as a variation on the One in the Chamber mode.

Playlists are likely already updated on your copy of Modern Warfare 3, no need to download anything.

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